Never. Honestly, there is never going to be a right, wrong, or perfect time to start a diet. We all lead very busy lives, between, work, kids, family, and social gatherings, there is always going to be an opportunity for us to say, now is not the right time to start a diet.
Here are some typical reasons why we might not start a new diet: I’m really busy at work. I’m going on vacation soon. My kids are super busy with activities. It’s summer time. The holidays are coming up. I will right after New Year’s. If you have ever used any of these excuses and are currently over weight and don’t want to be then I have news for you. You’re probably always going to be overweight. Now I am not talking about the new moms who are post-partum in between having babies, I hear ya. I’m talking about anyone who has been overweight for more than a year or two. The people who have real time and real resources to actually do something about their situation but never do because they always have an excuse. So if your reading this right now and seriously wish you could punch me in the face, then go for it, throw out a couple of air punches right now. Now that you got that off your chest. You really need to sit down and think about your situation and your relationship with food and figure out what the fuck is going on. If losing 10 pounds could make you feel better about yourself, isn’t it worth it to stop eating like crap so you can get there? How the hell is that piece of cake going to make you feel better in a bathing suit? Now what if you have significant weight to lose, like 50 pounds or more? I don’t really care about the bathing suit part, I care about how you feel walking up a flight of stairs, not good am I right? Your legs burn, you’re out of breath and you might even feel a little pressure on your chest. How the hell is that piece of cake going to help you walk up the stairs? The reason I say you need to figure out your relationship with food is because it is a relationship, this isn’t just I need energy so food gives it me type of thing. There are real emotions associated with food. You might eat to celebrate, to relieve stress, or even out of boredom. There is no perfect diet, there is no perfect workout, and there is no perfect timing. What there is, is your relationship with food and understanding that a piece of cake won’t make you happy, and if it does, it won’t be for long. If you feel like any of this relates to you and you want to do something about it. My suggestion is to start logging all of your food, and no, not the calories or macros. I want you to log your feelings associated with what you’re eating. How did you feel before you eat each meal, how did you feel immediately after, and then go back and write how you felt a few hours after that or even the next morning. Do this for a week, put the food log away for a week and then go back and read it. If after that you feel like you’re ready for a change, email me at and I will help you get started for free!